EPISODE I - #pilot

EPISODE II - #cast

EPISODE III - #credits

EPISODE I - #pilot
LENGTH: 30mins


Name: Jung Taekwoon
Birthday: 10 Nov 1990
Height: 183cm

Major: Graphic Design
Year: Senior

Extra-Curriculars: Student Council, Drama

Personality: ESFP-A, chaotic neutral, blunt, loud
Pets: Cat the Bombay cat

Likes: Cats, Pokemon, HSM, Rain and thunderstorms, horror

Dislikes: being woken up, strawberries, people who can't be straightforward

Tattoos: a flame tattoo on his left wrist, two matching tattoos with his boyfriend - a small crown on his left index finger, and one of their pets on his right shoulder, a Scorpio constellation tattoo on his collar

Piercings: 2 lobe piercings on his left ear

EPISODE II - #cast
LENGTH: lifetime



Fate works in mysterious ways, this group of friends came about after a number game gone wrong. Since then, the five have spent many laughter-filled days together, making precious memories. Although Sanghyuk has long left SKNU, the group still meet up on their free days to hang out.



As luck would have it, Yerin and Taekwoon ended up being roommates during the university's trip to Greece. The firemen as well as her roommates from school ended up crashing in their room one night, and they group have been named Room666 since then. They sometimes spend their days having chill study sessions (which mostly turn into fun sleepovers), and other times movie outings.

Fun fact: The group share a single black leather jacket. (See Hyungwon's carrd)



SKNU's team of prefects, they volunteered to be part of the student council after the previous batch stepped down. Now, they run around organising events and caring for the staff and students. Amongst them, Taekwoon's known as the 'bodyguard' of sorts.


The two had clicked almost instantly during the Greece trip, and now spend their time going food hunting during lunch, where they would catch up with each other as well as the latest school buzz. Yerin has dubbed him SKNU's unofficial butler, what with him having 'tea' to spill often. Meanwhile, having started off as a meme, Taekwoon now unironically calls Yerin, 'Miss Baek'.


Besides being Brian's girlfriend and Yerin's roommate, Suzy is also one of Taekwoon's favourite people in SKNU. He looks up to Suzy a lot despite his age. It started long before they were even in the prefect team, when she single-handedly manned one of the school's events. Now, being able to work side-by-side, he's living the dream. Aside from work, Taekwoon (along with the rest of the firemen) would playfully bug her and Brian on their lunch dates. Similarly to Yerin, Suzy has been nicknamed Miss Bae.


With his age, Taekwoon does find it awkward around the other students at times. Thank goodness for Jessica and her philosophy class. Taekwoon sits in for her lectures during his free time, and the two go out for drinks after. They have an ongoing joke that they are from the same nursing home, and that they play Bingo on Tuesdays.

EPISODE III - #credits
LENGTH: 2mins






GMT +8

Currently free as a bird

Mun is of age

DM for plots/pre-ests. Plotting isn't my strong suit but I'll try!

Graphic design is my unironic passion, so hmu in dms if you need help with that too!